Fundamental Analysis & Value Investing
F&V Capital Management, LLC (FVCM) is an SEC registered investment advisor that offers customized asset management solutions using U.S. and European traded equities, fixed income and other short-term and liquid securities for a wide variety of international clients. The firm’s three founding partners started FVCM with a dedication to proven investment principles and risk control. Our clients rely on us to build their core investment portfolio for long term capital accumulation. The investment strategy employed by FVCM has produced excellent risk adjusted returns* since first being implemented in 1992.**
As part of the investment management process, we take careful consideration of the individual needs of our international clients as well as the related tax implications of their FVCM-managed portfolios. Our individually managed accounts offer an easy and convenient entry into the U.S. and international markets.
*Positive alpha since inception (Capital Asset Pricing Model)
**The strategy known as the Strategic Equity Portfolio (SEP) was first implemented while the portfolio manager was employed at a predecessor firm prior to the founding of FVCM in March 2008.
The managers at FVCM believe that the art of successful investing begins by identifying successful businesses through traditional fundamental analysis. Businesses that are well managed and that grow over time will generate the cash flows that ultimately are needed to reward their shareholders. The firm does not seek to do short-term trading, avoids fads of all types, and strongly emphasizes a wide variety of valuation measures in order to best ensure that good companies are purchased at good prices. Volatility and other types of risk are actively managed through carefully considered diversification.